Blogged about my
2015 resolutions and I did mention about nothing good happened to me in 2014.
Well it wasn't quite true, at least I got a handful of new cosmetics! :p (and a lot a lot of shopping sessions) It all started after I worked at SASA a a part-timer during my sem break and got more exposed to countless cosmetics brands since. Hence started looking for best-suited products for me and I must say it's very crucial, because good products certainly worth what it costs!
Flipping through my makeup desk and to present you my favorite products of 2014!
And of course I'm still using 'em now :)
Disclaimer: There's no way I'm trying to brag or show off anything that I bought.
Because these things are probably very "cheap" to some people only.
How dare I promote the element of bragging :x
Disclaimer #2: Everything I say is based on my own opinions and experiences.
I can't guarantee the product works on everyone of you as it did on me. Different skin problems different solutions! :)
What I say is only how I feel. It ain't no fact nor official-knowledge. Always feel free to disagree with my statement loves.
Now let's get into it First we're gonna talk about my fave fave must-have skin care's!
Now let me tell you how I came across this brand.
So one day, I was making the lamest walk @ Subang airport waiting for my flight.
One girl then approach me and asked if I wanna get my skin tested for free, considering how much longer do I have to wait to get into the departure hall, I went for it. The test showed that my skin is super dehydrated from depth within and that time I actually had quite a lot of breakouts as well as some itchy red spots caused by sensitivity. Without doubt, the girl then tried to talk me into purchasing their products (arboh why they give u free test hhshaha) saying it would help my skin a lot bla bla bla. I didn't listen to her at all actually HAHA. Cos first, I've never heard of this brand called Ren. Second, I am the kind of person that does a lot of researched before getting new skin care's. Plus their products cost like hundred smtg, I was like NOOOOO, jie is poor. So I refused. She then said nvm, handed me a sample size of their Vita Mineral Rescue Cream, said I must quickly get rid of those itchy & sensitive red spots on my face before they get too serious. She did look as if she genuinely wanted to help me.
I then went back home and applied it to sleep
Truth is, the cream is very very sticky but exactly what my skin needs!
I bear with the stickiness and tried my best not to munch my hair that keep glued to my face/ mouth fml.
Woke up next morning, surprise, ALL THE RED SPOTS ARE GONE! No more itch no more redness!
I was like :O :O :O !?
The next thing I know I'm picking up my phone, calling my friend that was currently in KL,
Distributes him a task - To help me get the full size product, sending him the photo of the sample size product hahaha.
Without hesitation, I looked it up online:
To my surprise, Ren is quite a famous skin care brand, they have a retail shop at Bangsar.
A lot of beauty bloggers out there, again and again rave about them! Damn son
Favorite Skin Care 2014: Ren Vita Mineral Emollient Rescue Cream
The texture is very very sticky and hard to spread on the face. But then it was a sign that my face is very dry and dehydrated lah.
Due to its crazy stickiness, I only use it as night to experience the 'brand-new-face' experience the next morning!
It moisturizes not only the surface of my skin but to depth, inside out! How'd I know? Cos I can feel it.
My skin get super hydrated the next morning and it felt as if it's the cream works it's magic throughout the night.
And other moisturizing products that I tried (Laneige, Dr.G. Origins, etc) can never give me this feeling.
Until today, it still surprised me everytime I use the rescue cream lor!
Favorite Skin Care/ Primer 2014: Ren Vita Mineral Omega 3 Optimum Skin Serum Oil
I decided to give this a try after the good experience I had with the Rescue cream.
Let me say this ........... are all Ren's products this good? T.T
Shut up and take my money!
Speaking of this serum oil, it makes me skin GLOWS (dei, it's oil!)
And I was reluctant to use it alone. Siao meh. When there's wind I totally cannot breathe at all, with all hair sticking to my face. THEREFORE, I use it under makeup, as a primer! And trust me, it was the best decision that I made.
I no longer need highlighter bitches! My skin glows from within!
But I must say that it's impossible to be used alone due to it's stickiness :/
Tho I'm currently using some medical face creams given by my skin doctor, I still take time out to use these 2 products!
I would love to talk about those medical face creams but I don't know how, My doctor gave them to me and I just used.
It's distributed according to my own skin condition (yep, according to doctor, my face is super dry too, same statement blah)
Anyways, if you're wondering, I am a loyal visitor of Klinik Arun.
My favorite skin doctor is there! I am not quite sure of his name, but he is an old-aged Indian guy with long & frizzy grey hair that usually tie up as a pony tail, as well as messy grey beard that seems to never been groomed, wearing a spectacle, looking friendly, and always laugh at me when I said I wan a flawless, cyrstal-clear skin lol, then said "Ok then, other than my products. You don't use anything else"
And he's always so chilled and chatty with me even when there's a freaking long queue outside but he doesn't seem to be rushing anyway. Very professional. I went to his since I was 14, and now I am 20. It takes an hour drive to his clinic and I still do it every time I get any skin problem. Ahhh I just love him lah! ;)
Next, lets get into the to *chiang chiang chiang chiang*
Favorite face combos!
No more further elaboration needed for the Ren Omega 3 Serum oil, it has proudly won my heart for both skin care and primer favorite! :p
Favorite Liquid Foundation 2014: Smashboxxxxxxxxx Studio Skin 12 Hour Wear Hydrating Foundtion
Gonna be needing to wear makeup from early morning to late night? No problemmmmmm gallllllllllllllllll.
Well, only if you primed your face properly, otherwise it will get A LITTLE BIT flaky on the drier area such as nose tip.
Other than that, you have nothing to be worried about! This foundation looks great on, looks better in photo, has medium to high coverage, unless it's super huge pimple, other flaws such as big pores/ redness/ blackheads/ 油粒 can all be easily covered!
One pump can be used to cover the whole face also, I've using this for like 6-7months and it still left like 20%.
And fyi, I wear makeup a lot lah!
So it's quite worth the money and it's damn perfect if to pair with Ren's Serum Oil!
(why do I sound so commercial-ish lol I'm just talking about my experience ni T.T)
Favorite Concealer 2014: Laura Mercier Undercover Pot 2
Err, can we just ignore how dirty the bottle looks..
There are 2 colors in the concealer pot:
The lefter one is used to cover any flaw you have on your precious lil face; the righter one is to cover under-eye dark circle.
But I don't use it as it's recommend to cos I'm a thug I ain't listen to nobody #ThugLife
HAHAHHAHAHAH no! Just kidding.
It's only because the lefter is quite dry and the right one is too watery.
So, I thought of a solution to mix them two together, works just perfect!
When you open the upper part, there's another compartment down under carrying Laura Mercier Finishing Power.
But the design is really really stupid bcos it got all the 'holes' open and nothing to hold down the powder, they just get everywhere and look at what's happening on the photo above. It gets all accumulated on top like that, how to use!????
Such a waste, they should've designed something like Makeup For Ever Finishing Power's concept, to have something put on the cap of the product, that it can press down to the powder when you close the product.
So it wouldn't get anywhere and let the product go to waste.
I really love this concealer but it is too overpriced.
WAY TOO OVERPRICE. Rm149.90 for a concealer? Just crazy and not within my purchasing power yet.
Yaya I bought it I know -.- and I kinda starved myself after this purchase no kidding. What I am saying is I will not get another one when it's finished lah. And another thing is, it finishes up very quickly!! I have only used it for like 3-4months and I actually don't use it everytime I makeup (I got other concealers tho, cause this too exp I sometimes don't have the heart to use :/) but it still broke my heart.
Used for a while only I already can see the bottom of the case..
Good thing, y u so expensive
Moving on to my favorite eyes combo!
Favorite Brow Pencil 2014: Dior Snow Brow Styler
Since two years back, my best friend Jayee Lim had been telling me HOW AWESOME Dior's eyebrow pencil is.
I didn't quite believe it because she is a big fan of Dior herself and she practically tells me everything from Dior is nice!
HAHHAHAH well maybe they are!
Till a few months back in August, my other friend Ivor took Jayee's suggestion and bravely went for this brow pencil.
Damn son, it's like RM89 for a brow pencil. I believe she hesitated quite a while and decided to invest, for the sake of nice brows!
Being my nosy self, I confirm asked how is it, whether it lived up to the name or not.
She said "Woah, now I know how important it is to invest in a nice brows pencil. Seriously"
Walao this sensetence means a lot already ok?! It's like she finally found the light that leads human kinds to perfect brows lol.
Then I waited till I finished my previous one..... I WENT AND BOUGHT IT T.T
Let me tell u gallllllllllllllllllllll,
Drawing brows used to worry me the most cos if you fuck it up, you're basically fucked, but now,
drawing brows has never been this easy!!
It's very smooth on the brow(when you draw), good color that makes it define, color gets on easily you don't have to press hard.
It has got only one color but it looks good on everyone with diff hair color.
And now I need like only 2 minutes to get my brows drawn. Thanks to it!!
Favorite Liquid Eyeliner 2014: Stila Stay-All-Day Waterproof Liquid Liner
Nope, it doesn't stay all day on me -.- maybe it's just me because my eyelids are super oily and get even more oily when I have makeup on. So it can only stay for a several hours. But I can always touch up what so it is not a problem.
The reason why I love it is that it is very easy to work with!
It is not super black kinda black, but it is one of the advantage because when you screw up drawing your eyeliner, you can always wipe the faulty part away with a cotton bud. And if you wanna get like super black eyeliner, it's totally build-able!
It goes on very smooth and not irritating, some liquid liner gets very irritating lah when u used it near your lashes line your eyes get pains and watery, this doesn't! :D and it is not super expensive, medium pricing. I'll def purchase more!
*drum rolls*
My Holy Grail!
Favorite Mascara of All Time: Too Faced Better Than Sex
A product that I cannot live without!
Um, I have already raved and talked about how much I loved it in my
May Favorites blog post.
And yes! I've been using it since.
My lashes get not only long, voluminous, and also all separately clean-looking!
While giving you the perfect dream lashes, it doesn't make them look spider-legs-ish. Just no.
It makes me feel that I don't need fake lashes at all in my life and I swear to non-stop purchase it till the day I die T.T
#BaeForLife #TooFacedIsBae #ItIsBetterThanSex #OrIsIt

A screen shot of my May Favorite in case you're too lazy to click in and read my long-ass post :p
How well can a mascara work without the help of eyelash curler?
It's like Batman himself works alone without Robin :P (not sure if this expression is correct.. but u get what I mean)
Favorite Eyelash Curler 2014: Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler.
It makes it to my favorite maybe it's because.. It's the most proper eyelash curler that I've ever used.
Why so? Hmmm I used to use those rm5 Daiso eyelash curler only HAHAHHAHA young and innocent don't judge!
During my time working at SASA, the beauty consultant there said having a good eyelash curler is important,
and they mentioned how Shu Uemura's is really good, so.. yep! I went to buy it after getting my salary lol.
Now you know the trick of getting your dream lashes (Shu Uemura Curler + Better Than Sex Mascara)
What's next is to take care of your lashes by removing them with makeup remover that protects your lashes from being harmed.
Favorite Makeup Remover 2014: Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover from Sephora.
It helps remove my eye makeup efficiently, protects my lashes and helps them grow!
I can feel my lashes very nourished everytime after I remove make up one
I once told my friends 'Eh 为什么我的lashes好像越卸妆越多次它生更长" T.T
I then realize it's because everytime I makeup I have to remove ma, then when I remove I happen to use the Sephora Eye Makeup Remover then it helps my eyelashes grow. So the more I remove makeup the more it grows smh. #KarweisLogic hahahaha
Favorite Eye Shadow 2014: Too Faced Chocolate Bar
This eye-shadow palette is heavennnn.
The eye-shadows powder are made of cocoa powder, they smell of chocolate!
I don't actually use eye shadow a lot, but when I do, I'm always hungry -.- cos the smell of this palette is too amazeballs!
Goshhh I swear I could just eat them.
This palette is perfect for it's color selection. Unlike Naked's, it doesn't only have earth tone browns but carries more fun colors such as pink, purple, dark violet. The colors are all very very beautiful! Need not to mention, they also highly pigmented.
Perfect in every aspect, damn worth the money lah. I think I'll be using it till I'm 30 no kidding lol
I was torn between getting Naked or Chocolate Bar palette
The girl at Sephora then told me Urban Decay's products actually getting degraded, not as goo as before;
And Too Faced is heating it up, new launched products are getting incredibly good and nice packaging
Won a lot of heart. I went for it, no regret.
Awwww one of my favorite youtube beauty guru, Jen just uploaded this!
She's been raving about Chocolate Bar since, I don't know, last year July?! Nice nice
Now I be using the same stuff with my idol :p
Favorite Lip Balm 2014: Dior Addict Color Revive Balm
I need a moment of silence for this lip balm.
It's one of the best purchase that I've made!
It plumbs my lips so well, without making it to look like overdo stupid duck lips,
It can just easily complete any makeup look, must-have for every girls! Trust me go for a try U WILL LOVE IT.
Very moisturizing, the color is perfect, smells really good, I basically carry it everywhere I go.
Which explains the stains on the cover lol cos it's with me everywhere!
The weakness of it is that it doesn't last long, well, it's just a lip balm, not lipstick after all.
It already does its job at moisturizing lips, help plumbing, correct the color. I think it's just perfect.
This has my word for the next purchase and it actually lasts quite long.
I got it on June like this and I still using it till now, I used it a lot!!
Very worth very worth.
Speaking of lip products,
I've tried Chanel Rouge Coco Shine (very very moisturizing and long lasting, another must-have)
Yves Saint Lauren (very pigmented and the most beautiful color)
Too Faced Creme Lipstick (very creamy and perfect for dry lips like mine!)
MAC's, I got quite a lot of MAC's (pigmented and better color options!)
Christian Dior's (It dries up a little but I got the most beautiful pink shades so I love it)
... I love them all. I do.
I can't pick my favorite one. Sorry no photos cos I plan on doing a lipstick collection soon :p
Keep it till then I'll take a lot of pics.
Last but not least, you're never fully dressed without perfume -
Favorite Scent 2014: Thierry Mugler ALIENNNNNNNNNNNNNN
I've never loved any perfume so much. I mean yea, I have a habit of collecting perfumes but I don't actually really like all of them that I own. Cos to me all the scents are kinda the same, quite mainstream mainstream: Fruity, sweet, floral-ish such as Daisy & Honey by MJ's, Viva La Juicy, Roses by Chloe; or sexy, seducing, romantic such as Dior J'adore, Gucci's Flora etc.
Alien is different. It smells of, mystery.
The first time I tried it, I was omg, this is exactly what I'm looking for, mysterious and unique!
Love at first smell! I swear I fell in love with it instantly! Roarrrrrrrrrr
I didn't get it tho :/ because it was too expensive T.T
One day, somebody got it for me as a gift!
I was in shock and of course, gracefully, I accepted it after a long consideration.
Enjoy being spoiled by loved ones once in a while is fine :P
Omg will you look at the bottle?!
It's damn eye-catching and by looking at it you can already tell it's nothing like the other perfumes out there in the market.
The bottle if refillable so after it's finishes up I can just get the refill, isn't that just convenient!
I cannot describe how good it smells but I can reassure you that it is like nothing you have ever came across.
It makes you go WOW, your eyes will get lighten up, then you'll fall in love with it instantly.
Except for my mom, my mom hates it.
She said this is the worst-smelling perfume in my collection -.-
Walaoooo please, after hearing she making such a statement I started to realize not everybody will love the scent.
If you're my gang (as in same kind of person with same kind of taste :p) then you'll def love it;
If you're with my mom, you'll find it stink.
Errr mother, am I adopted?
Confession hour:
I am kinda a shopaholic person (a bit lah not very serious)
For every frustrated moment in life, I solved it by going shopping.
Buying things make me feel better, doesn't matter it's expensive or no.
As long as I got something new, I will feel like a brand new, happier person.
I told my mom about this and she just rolled her eyes on me and said
"All girls are like that one lah!"
Yep! I think so.
Thanks to shopping, my 2014 got a little better :p
Lighten the year with the glitter of new hauls & new products.
(story of my life)
I'd loved to hear if you guys have got any 2014 favorites that you wanna share with me.
Always open for opinions :) !
Thanks for reading, xx.