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"Why are you always alone?"

First you need to know that my middle name is Loner. Karwei Loner Goay. (HA!)
I do most of the things in life alone, I shop alone, eat alone, go to places alone and I have not found anything is wrong with that.
Yet, comments and opinions that I have received so far are neither nice nor positive.
Yo, I'm not seriously asking for credit for doing stuff alone, trying to imply that I am one strong and independent girl that deserves compliments for doing so. At least, try not to go all "Wah一个人啊,这么孤单/寂寞/emo/可怜?" 
Hearing words like that honestly put me in a bad mood and my day will be ruined. 

First of all, the reason why you find me sitting in a cafe all alone, is because I, myself, DECIDED that I just wanted to spend some precious time solely with myself.  I'm good enough by having myself to be there for me.
Wow it came out sounding really weird but yes! I don't need your irrelevant opinions like what's up with that? 
Some of them went even far "你没有朋友的hor 做么一个人"  nice wei.

Knowing that my friends have classes at a certain hour so I can't go out and chill by myself even if I feel like it?
Having my friend study at the other side of the island so I'll make them drive 40 minutes all the way from far just for a meal with me?

What I really don't get is why do people think that you need a company to do everyfuckingthing with?
Like if someone isn't there with you, the coffee taste bitterer now?  The sun no longer shine now? 
Well maybe its the way you do things, but that's just you. People have their own ways to do things too. You don't speak for them.
And their way is to DO IT ALONE. 

Okay lah I gotta admit it's kind of bad to be seen eating alone but to me, I'd rather, than to have meals with someone then we both end up being on our phones throughout the whole meal. That's even more awkward okay?!  
Having to squeeze all your brain juice thinking of topics to talk about;
 Forgetting how many times you've already mentioned about the same damn stuff;
 Then having to act all interested in their stories, constantly putting your "Really? Tell me more!" face on. 
Gosh. It drives me insane..

Err. There's something weird about me, which, you're gonna hate me for saying this.
Okay, this dark secret of mine, is that sometimes I don't really care what is going on in peoples' lives  -.- 
Oh, don't hate me just yet, I meant "sometimes"
When people tell me stuff, I'm like 'Oh! Really? You did that?"  then following by my well-trained interested face.
On the outside, I'm like:

On the inside, I'm like:

Sometimes, just sometimes, I really really don't fucking care any single thing anyone says.
This is exactly why I don't go randomly blabbering my problems to anyone I see, I know how awful it feels.
UNLESS WE ARE LIKE REALLY GOOD FRIENDS then I'll be genuinely annoying and vice versa, be concerned and worried anything that you say. The rest, please just stop talking and we shall never meet ever again.

Why do I always shop alone?
Last but not least, I wanna emphasis on HOW WONDERFUL IT IS TO SHOP ALONE. 
Don't get me wrong, it's cool to go with the girlfriends too, it really depends on your mood and what kind of a day you want it to be.
Is it a chitty-chatty full-of-gossips happy afternoon? Or a silent do-whatever-I-want shopping therapy? 
As much as I enjoy company, shopping just feels easier to be doing alone.
I thought about the question and split it down to a few points 

#1  Save all the troubles.
I was never a girly girl growing up, I like getting my errands done quick and not having to procrastinate it for the sake of somebody else. Okay to make it clear, I JUST DON'T LIKE TO WAIT. You see, the cycle of asking somebody out: 
Asking > time-coping > planning > arrangement of transportation > discussion about outfits > waiting the other party to be done with preparing and pick you up/ waiting for the other party to get ready before picking them up > being indecisive whether to eat or to buy first .. Its's even worse when you go out as a group.
就很麻烦okay HAHHAHAHA.  
What I like is, oh I feel like going to shop a little today, then I'll be at the mall right after the class ends;
Oh, I'm feeling a little more feminine today so I'll just grab a dress and go;
Hey, just notice a pair of high heels that I haven't worn in ages, lets rock on them today.
Instead of calling someone "喂我穿heels叻" getting a respond  "穿什么heels我穿拖鞋罢了!" 
可是当然  有时候朋友们一起逛街也是很开心的 ,不过今天我要强调的point是一个人的快乐!
Of course I like spending time with my friends, don't get me wrong. It's just once in a blue moon, I kind of just wanna do things my way and too lazy to seek for approval of yours.

#2 The awkward moment in your favorite stores.
Tell me, I am not the only one that finds it uncomfortable being stared while going through clothes.
How do I put this, hmm. Everybody has different taste, you just have to be careful about the needs  of every one involve.
I happened to like (and can only afford) Forever 21 while my friend is a Topshop junkie. Just an example lah I'm not picking on anyone that likes Topshop! T.T (which I hope I can afford lol) 
The feeling when they just wait and look at you while you being all excited to be in your own pace, its like they're waiting for you to be done with it then you can finally go. Err, it stresses me out  :/ I always feel bad when I see my friends texting or waiting outside while I try on clothes or stand in line to pay. Of course your friends are not gonna complain about the boredom, but you know lah, how would you feel waiting for someone at the same store for 30 minutes. It's even worse when it's group shopping, imagine having to spend every 30 minutes for everybody, gosh, so much of your time will be cut down.
My point exactly, going through the entire sale racks at Forever 21, with the hope to dig out the good deals, feels much more relaxing while you do it all alone. Which brings me to another point, 

So you don't have to snatch for the one last piece of cute top that is on sales!

#3 Getting judge for how much I've spent.
Is it just me or anyone feels the same way when you're carrying a few shopping bags while your friend is walking blank handed, I can't help but feel as if my friend is silently judging my materialism when I'm buying more stuff than her;
or does she think that I'm cheap and stingy, when the ones I'm carrying are just small purchases.
I know it's silly to compare the bills but for me, after a heavenly 放纵 shopping,
The last thing I want to feel is guilty, when they say "Are you sure about buying this? Its pricey" Dang flabbit, there goes my hesitation. Even when I really really like it, I will just hold it in and walk away, with goodbye speech to the cloth "I'll come grab you tomorrow wait for mama" ... I'll do whatever it takes to avoid being questioned by my friend, even it means coming back to the same place the next day just to get that one item.  Ugh. I just hate being questioned about my choice. Automatically assume thats on their minds
 "walao酱贵也舍得买"  or  "wow shes really spoiled"  fuck this okay just fuck this.
Neither am I rich or spoiled, 就决定要出去shopping 当然手头上有钱才会想要shopping. What is wrong with buying stuff to reward/ spoil myself?  你不疼你自己是你的事 ,我疼我自己也不管你的事 bye. Hahahaha a little carried away.

Everybody has different definition of "expensive" 
I once bought a RM40 top that has really high quality, I was so happy with the purchase, thought I found a worthy item! 
Then someone just had to butt in and went "WTF40块很贵okay"  Wow really? Really? RM40 is SOO expensive you have to go wtf?
Can't tell you how much I wanted to die at that moment. I was too sick to argue so yea.
Your opinion is much unappreciated, shove your negative vibes up your own ass cos I don't need that.
I really like it when my friends are super supportive! Hahaha when they go "Omg thats such a steal" HAHAHA IKR ILY.

Or or, another situation, when the friends managed to find so many good items while none of them suited me,
I'll go scolding myself inside "walao谁叫你酱肥"   "脸都不美了还学人家肥"
I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true! The thoughts do kick in at times.
Then I'll just wave it away, convince myself that we are friends and there is no such competitions like who spends more, 
we are both just hunting for good stuff and I'll have my chance next time! LOLOL

#4 Start off random conversations with random people/ sales assistant.
No argument needed, I can only do this when I am alone and I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.
I like starting conversations with sales assistant, solely for their opinions if they think the clothes look good on me.
Most of them were really friendly and got along with me really well, had a little chat, then your day will feel different.
I have came to realize that starting off a random convo, joke about stupid things that we see, laugh a little, do brighten your day a lot better!    Trust me on this one, just trust me. 
The reason why I find it difficult to talk to stranger when I'm with a friend, is that I don't want them to think I ki siao or flirty. 
It seems my confidence appears to be stronger when I'm alone, more spontaneous and easy-going.
Can't judge if its a good thing or nah, I just really enjoy this side of mine  :)

There. 4 main points. I said it. I would go on but my back is aching and so are my fingers lol.
To round this whole topic off, I just wanna say:
You might be someone that needs company all the times but not everyone is like you.
Just because someone is different, doesn't mean they don't enjoy being them.
Doing things differently doesn't mean people are doing the wrong thing.

Next time, before you sputter out any judgment on people, think if it is necessarily to say it.
I've been called "no friends" "no people want to join me" " pitiful" just because I often show up being alone.
Its just.. hahaha.  No further explanations needed. I'll just let idiots keep being idiots.

Phewwww, its been a long time since I do a wording post like this, feeling good but I'm ashamed of how bad my English is becoming.
T.T forgive me.. Guess you gotta pay for not writing for so long. Gotta practice more now.
Feel free to comment down below and tell me what you think :) 
No mean comments needed but I'll be delightful to hear what you think!  

Xx, kwg.

Zavacn Mask [REVIEW]

大家好!  好久不见啦  \(^.^)/ 
真的很不好意思 好一段时间没有上来更新了 最近比较忙 .. (:你是忙还是懒惰啊 )
如果可恶的大家忘了我的脸的话可以参考以上的照片 想说最近肥很多...  伤心事别提了

真心介绍 ,绝对不是推销广告 。 慢慢读下去你就知道:

因为我的皮肤一向以来就没有什么问题 (听起来有点骄傲lol)  所以当我的脸生怪怪的东西就会很beh tong
跑去看医生了   算是治好了。但是除了用医生给的药的同时, 我还有这个秘密武器

鼎鼎大名的 Zavacn Mask啦。
诶其实讲真的  医生的药也只是让我的脸恢复像从前一样,但是这个mask
让我的脸比以前的好几倍,更光滑,毛孔更小,摸起来更嫩更软 !  :D

但我在去Langkawi之前,皮肤有问题已经有在用Zavacn, 已经是很信任 很喜欢 很离不开它
还记得我用了第一片Zavacn Silk Mask 我就跟自己说 “嗯这个mask我要用一辈子”  
.. ==   有点夸张但是真的HAO BU HAO 

1盒的Zavacn Mask里面有分为6个小信封 ,这个只是其中一片啦。
至于每个小信封里面有什么,等下在为你们揭晓 嘿嘿嘿

Zavacn Mask的6个主要功能就是
- 美白
- 修补
- 补水
- 缩小毛孔
- 抗老
- 全面保湿

找找信封里有什么小宝贝啦 ♥

首先掏出来的 Magic Intelligent Cleansing Cream. 
很明显  这个是在敷面膜之前用来清洗脸蛋的cleansing cream。
很喜欢这个cleansing cream啦说真的 ,洗了脸会觉得很滑很弹性很好摸哒! 

接下来就是最有看头的 Silk Mask,这Silk Mask薄的跟什么似的 就算敷了还是可以自由走动
根本不用怕会掉下来 哈哈哈   其实我蛮讨厌sheet mask因为我很难静静躺下来 20分钟 -.-  过动症吗karwei
哈哈哈哈可是用了这个mask我还可以继续玩电脑走来走去 很轻松! 

效果呢更加是不用说啦.. 根本就是一流。
该怎么说呢  hmm,总是当你把这面膜一拆下的时候 你就会马上爱上你的脸!  一次就能见效了 真的 真的 
但是 ..  每个人都知道mask的效果都只是拆下来的时候才有,过了几个钟就随烟消失(有没有这成语==)

担心面膜的效果一下子就不见了 怎么办? 
别担心  人家Zavacn可想得周到了 。
#1  用Cleansing Cream把脸洗干净。
#2 用Silk Mask敷大概20-30分钟,拿掉了按摩脸让面膜的精华液吸收。
#3 当精华液完全被吸收后,把这个(上图) gene repair cream涂上全脸,就可以去睡觉啦哈哈

注意:Zavacn Mask一定要晚上用哦。效果才会被maximize。
隔天睡醒的时候的皮肤,真的美到...    flawless到.... 我好像是拖了张椅子在镜子前面欣赏自己半个小时 HAHAHHAHAHA
 我是有点小变态啦   哎哟  皮肤难得那么好嘛  

真的很喜欢这东西 ♥  手头上用完了 又要订购啦啦啦  
但是 当女生的,不疼自己 谁来疼你? 

小爆料,自从我有在constantly用Zavacn Mask过后,有人每次摸我的脸就会说很滑啦
还说很好摸所以他突然变得很喜欢摸我的脸了 T.T 虽然有在嫌他手肮脏 但是感觉很被爱叻哈哈哈 小动作最可爱了
所以说好好地照顾自己爱自己 ,身边的男人也会越来越爱你 :p 


我的真实经历就说完了,现在正式为大家介绍Zavacn Mask:

集补水 保湿 美白 抗皱于一体的ZAVACN蚕丝面膜,是针对美容机构供应的一款面膜。它能有补水,让干燥的肌肤瞬间水嫩柔滑,并且能减少脸上的小细纹,让肌肤重拾年轻状态!每片ZAVACN面膜里面有含有洗面奶(字母M开头) ,面膜 , 面霜(字母W开头)三样东西,让妞们达到最佳的护肤效果! 

氨基酸智能洁面霜Magic intelligent cleansing cream 100%顶级氨基酸不含皂剂配方,温和无刺激,清洁力强,能温和彻底的卸除残妆,调节微循环,智能平衡皮肤PH值,同时改善皮肤基质,清除肌肤各种污垢和老化角质,畅通毛囊,排除毛囊堵塞物,并在肌肤表层形成弱酸性保护膜,有效锁住肌肤水分。 基因修复霜Wonder of frost 神经酰胺:保湿锁住水份,有效防止过敏性肤质产生的过敏和抑制黑色素褐斑的效果。 Q10:去除鱼尾纹、胎头纹、皱眉纹等上半脸的青情纹,效果显著。 EGF:快速修复皮肤表皮层,提高皮肤免疫能力,加强皮肤新陈代谢。 氨基酸保湿剂:有助于皮肤光滑,柔润有弹性,淡化细纹。


敷面膜前要先把脸卸妆洗干净或者去角质,以便面膜吸收也避免污垢进入毛孔。洗干净脸后用热毛巾敷在脸部各处三分钟左右,然后在面部按摩三到五分钟,提升敷脸效果!!! 敷完面膜可以用手指轻弹面膜,不再粘乎乎的话,便可以轻轻扯下面膜扯面膜要注意先从薄膜边缘开始自下往上缓慢扯去。



左边的照片是从Langkawi回来直接拍的照片 ,真的很痒很红很心痛,这照片是乱乱拍show朋友看的;
右边的是,我目前脸的皮肤。你可能觉得有化妆,但是我没有,拍这些照片时根本没有上到foundation,只放了blusher和finishing powder让整个人看了有神又很 matte。根本不需要foundation啦 HAHHAHAHA。嗯相机其实也帮了忙,quality也整个不一样。但是皮肤呢,真的真的差好大。

I just took it to show my friends how serious my face was, didn't intend to even post it up here.
If I've had predicted today, I would've taken a better picture trololol at least with normal angle  -.-

好啦 不只是我的before & after夸张,这些是从Zavacn卖家那边拿的:


如果一个产品不好用 我也paise拿上来我的blog宣传
每次要接受sponsorship之类的 我都要确定自己跟喜欢那产品,不然感觉就有点在骗你们
而这个Zavacn Mask,我真的真的很喜欢,真心推荐。 
Cleansing Cream洗了脸就有种清爽的感觉,再敷上超薄超有效的蚕丝面膜,真的很滋润。
最后最后,Gene Repair Cream虽然有点油油的,但是它的油是因为要为脸补充足够的水分。
隔天睡醒,脸简直就是超水润 汪当当 的。 美白效果也是很好 马上看到跟前一天你的脸的分别。
其实是gene repair cream在睡觉的时候为脸提供水分和营养。脸毛孔也超级细致。 

但是 我至今还没有遇到一个产品可以同时间帮助那么多方面的问题。
去外面counter买的, whitening是whitening的价钱,moisturizing又不一样,reduce size of pores的又另外算。
真的是 .. 很重本啊。  最过分的是几百块的东西买回去竟然根本没有效。

大爱 ZAVACN ♥♥
有兴趣的朋友 ,可以wechat - bubblelim 

你要每天在为自己的皮肤懊恼 ,买来买去还是找不到适合自己的护肤品。 不如尝试Zavacn,说不定会有360 ’的改变。 
你决定吧   ;)

Life changing decision - BRACES pt.1!!

Hello y'all!
I have an announcement to make! 



Okay I don't know what I'm being so excited about lol why am I even blogging this anyways :3 
Just that I've received couple of questions & fb msgs about it so I thought I would share it once and for all with you guys. 

You may or may not know that I have this super hideous teeth.
 If you happen to be my friends in real life (how bad luck of you), of course you would know
If you'd only seen me on the Internet, from all the photos I posted. 
YOU HAVE NO IDEAAAAAAAAAAA  how ugly me teeth is :/ 

They're like extremely unsystematicAH HAHAHHAHA what a word.
Crooked, untidy, and troublesome.

NOW YOU KNOWWWWWW why I never smiled in my photos;
NOW YOU KNOWWWW why I never greeted people with a friendly smiley facey;
NOW YOU KNOWWWWW why I've been so ashamed of myself, don't even dare to talk;
NOW YOU KNOWWWWW I am ugly when I say I am.    :3

Eh having to keep your mouth closed is more tired than you think. Some more I was born to be such talkative.
Also, having the same expression in every single photo sicks me out, walao, sometimes I wanna do like rocker pattern also cant.

I once asked my dentist(in Butterworth, around where I stay)  if he can do braces for me, he refused to.
Cos he said my teeth is very messy, hard to handle, and filthy . He asked me to go Penang do.
PUTOOOO. What kind of dentist is this hahahahahaha!!
Then yea, so I went to get them done @  Looi Orthodontic.

Looi Orthodontic is quite famous at Penang so I figured I'd go for consultation.
Here's the braces procedure:

#1 Consultation for about 10 minute. 
The orthodontist will explain to you about some basic stuff, like very very basic it was actually a waste of time.  Price, duration, and all the other important information could not be answered till you truly decided you wanna go for it.

#2 Only come back if you've decided to put them metals on!  This appointment is for X-ray scanning, have some photos taken, and doing the model thingy for your teeth.  Oh!  RM290 paid for the X-ray too. 

#3  Go see the X-ray of your ugly teeth and have the orthodontist to explain how troublesome it is LOLOLOL! 
For example, how many tooth you have to extract, do fillings, scaling and all these.  At this appointment you'll be let know the total price your braces gonna cost and if you're serious about doing, RM1k have to be paid for confirmation purpose.  Braces duration is uncertain yet because it depends mostly on your teeth anyway. 

I always knew my teeth ugly but .. I dono its THIS ugly :/
Sorry to make you look at this HAHAHHAHA.

T_____T    hao ee xing.

Well the good news is neither tooth pulling or filling I have to do. Only scaling hehehe.
代表我不用拔牙ok  看朋友拔四顆八顆的看到都痛了

#4  The moment you been waiting for is here. The day you put on the braces lah! 
Also have to pay for another rm1k minimum.  Then rest can pay every following month your visit for checkups.
Thats all.

At the clinic hohoho.

Oh ya, mine cost rm4500.  But then I have this trouble thing in my teeth so a pin(rm350) is needed.
Total iz rm4850,   not sure if include retainer or not.

Guess whos the braces bloggahhhhihhhhh!? 
Took some photos the other day after an outing with the girls, didn't want to waste the makeup.
I've got more to post gok but some Q&A time first!


Q: Do they hurt?
A: Yes so much like a motherchucker.  They didn't hurt at first but till you wake up the next morning.  Damn it.  Perhaps that is what hell feels like.  The sore is not only from the teeth, but deep inside tothe teeth's bone, its like you cannot touch any of them at all.  For 3 whole days, I did not bite my teeth together lol tried so hard to keep distance between them. Till the 7th day they started getting better.

Q: Can you eat with braces on? 
A: Yes you can, but the first few days you might wanna go for softer foods . For the first seven days that got me tortured like fuck, all I had was MeeShua (麵線) and KFC's mashed potato, and frozen yogurt to keep myself happy. After the pain is gone, KFC CHICKEN KITKATS BISCUITS all no problem. Gehehehe so don't expect to slim down yo.

Q: Can you be able to talk normally?
A:  This wouldn't be a problem once you get used to it. For the first few days might feel a little uncomfortable but it will not affect your speech or voice at all, maybe sometimes 漏風 a bit trololol.

Q: Should I do it now or in future?
A:  DO IT AS FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY COULD.  REALLY. You have no idea how regretful I am. Ugh! 19 and wearing braces. I started so late because of some personal issues lol money issues I mean! A few thousands are not cheap ma, furthermore I never thought teeth would be so important like wutttt.   Most of my friends have got over with it already here I am, just the beginning,  BUT, 
don't get frustrated, at least I'm on the road. Don't judge I love you.

Q:  Is it worth it? With the price to pay(both money and pain)?
A: I'm not at the right place to comment cos I haven't gotten everything done yet but click this link and take a look, then tell me whether you think its worth it or not.  There were nights when the pain kept me up, I doubted whether its a right thing to do or nah. I even told my mother I wanted to get it off on the 4th day lolol cos the pain is too horrifying!!  But I didn't, so, yeah. Hopefully my willpower stays still every month after the tightening, its gonna hurt several days every month. Its like another menstrual to girls lol.

At least now I dare to smile showing my teeth. Tho they're not perfect (yet) but it feels good to know youre on the way there.

Thats all I have to say.
If you're thinking to get them, go get'em; if you were born with perfect teeth and reading, BE GRATEFUL YO!
Oh ya, did I mention the reason of me doing this is because Im afraid I cannot smile wide/grin in my future's wedding photos? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA SHALLOW GOAY.

Lastly I'm going to post all the other lame photos I took the other day. Close the tab already if you're not digging it
Just being a girl, don't mind me xx 

 Makeup well spent lol.  Still werking it with braces. Gurllllllllllllll :p
Bad quality tho cos I edited with VSCO on the phone only transferred here.

Enough for today!  Thanks for reading buh bye xx

Coffee Smith

 Hello guys!   I'm so sorry for not blogged for so freaking longgg!
I know, I know, it has been really long since I talked something about myself, both of my previous(or most) 
blog posts are all about product reviews, my favorites, etc.   
So, if you're wondering how have I been?
I've been great, awesome, and all thing, oh busy!  
Okay to be honest I actually have no idea what the heck had I been caught up with, it just felt like I never had enough time to come up here and blog.  Maybe I was just too lazy doing this, I mean, I'm on my laptop every.single.day.

So today, I'm going to introduce you my new favorite cafe in Penang, Coffee Smith!
Visual time first, then I'll tell you how I feel about the cafe and why I like it so much. X

Companion of the day.  Pei Sean & bestie Wei Wei

Banana Chocolate

This is one of the drink I've ever had throughout my entire life.
The main boys, bananas are really fresh and sweet. Mixed up so well with the chocolate drink.
There's a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top, it then melts down and you'll have to stir it together with the drink. Miraculously, it ended up making the drink even more flavorful than it already is, and really, trust me, the drink is very very flavorful itself.
For every sip you take, there will be like a mouthful of heavenly good banana and chocolate combined.

God I'm good at this, let me host a food show already hahahaha.

Benedict Egg w Hollandais

The cafe's signature dish?  Most likely.  Every photos that I saw posting from Coffee Smith, they have this ordered in it.
Well, this was my bestfriend's order so I just got to take a bite of it  :'(

You know how (most) egg benedicts are sour and slightly stink, because the chef claims that they have to put vinegar in the egg so they don't spread, or something like that (I wasn't listening lol)
I've had really terrible Egg Benedict experiences actually. First, at Whos Bryan restaurant; Secondly at Kaffa Cafe.
Egg Benedict from both the places I mentioned turned out to be weirdly sour and only looked good on the presentation.
They kinda ruined my day lol.  I mean, I went for the breakfast and was hoping to get good foods. What happened?!
Oh got carried away, my point is that I now, officially, hate Egg Benedicts  :@ can't trust them bitches no more.

BUT BUT BUT,  Egg Benedict from Coffee Smith didn't not taste sourly AT ALL.
In fact, it was quite delicious.  And Wei Wei kept on raving, and raving how it was the best Egg Benedict shes ever had.
She then put chili sauce on her egg benedict :3     weirdo.

Fruit Ice Cream French Toast

There's bread, there's fruit. 
The bread is finely dipped with cinnamon so it tasted sweet and soft (I don't like soft bread tho)
But if you do, consider ordering this because Wei Wei (that bichie again) kept on snatching the breads from Pei Sean's plate of food,  saying it was so good.  -____-  She liked the foods there so much I don't geddit haha.
This is more of a dessert but holysheet, the amount of the breads is enough to make you full already. 

Garlic White Wine Clams Pasta

This dish is a complete scam.  
The photo on the menu of it is big clams covered up all the noodles, but it came as tiny little 'lalas' wtf (*^$&(*%&)(%@)@$&
Imagine my face when the waiter walked towards the table with something that is totally different from what I saw on the menu.
Almost jumped up with rage and yelled.
HAHAHHAHA. Just kidding, not that aggressive a person.   Or am I.

My order, sadly, is the worst of all.   Walao eh. I was the hungriest of all ok.
The noodles had no taste at all, they were hard to chew and not flavored at all.
NOT FLAVORED AT ALL.   The lalas were better, tasted salty but the noodles still very geli lol.

Just find my legs looked interesting in this photo.
Haha, I've got really tanned recently cos I picked up swimming lessons!  The reason was because I scared of being drowned lah hello I live in Penang there's so many areas closed to the ocean.  I'm scared.
And I'm really digging the tanned, I try putting on body butter to make it look more shiny and I LOVE IT.

A full table of good foods.  Except for mine, bad.    BADDDDDDDDD I TELL YOU.
Wells others were good tho :3
There's more I want to share with you guys tho:

I've read COUNTLESS number of bad comments about Coffee Smith on 4square before visiting.
I kind of mosaic the name and photo of them because .. I feel its the right thing to do.

Lets see from my point of view.

Problem #1   Rude services.
The waitress that waited our table was nice as a person, looked young and new to work. She seemed nervous tho.
We visited at lunch time, the cafe is fully packed with human-beings: families bring kids, screaming at top of their lungs.
The entire cafe was a mess and crazy as fuck. Still, the waiters trying to satisfy everybody as they very occupied already.
I see no problem at all.
Till we about to leave, we asked a waiter passed by our table  "Can you get us the bill, please?"
Instead of saying 'OK'  or 'Wait'  he looked over helplessly to another supervisor-looking guy, hinting for help.
The supervisor-looking guy then ordered another girl to get us our bill.
From what I see lah, okay, just plain assumptions of mine: 

The waiters are not rude.  They're awkward.  Coffee Smith seemed to hired students to wait tables
And most of them looked as if they didn't have any working experience, so when they were thrown questions, or asked services, they got nervous and didn't know how to react. The guy looked quite funny when I asked for the bill lol why?

Problem #2  Foods take forever to be served.
HA-HA.   You are never gonna believe me, but, 
Our foods were served within 10 minutes.   within 10 minutes.   I mean it.
Even the time we took considering what to order was longer than the food took.
Here's it went:

While handing our order sheet to the waitress, I was really hungry so I asked 
"請問會很久嗎? 大概要多久?"
Then she answered
"呃 就等一會兒 可以嗎"       of course can lah arbo. 

Being the usual me, once she left the table I threw my camera at Weiwei saying "eh eh 幫我拍照"    
Notice the 2 photos above?  Yep, taken at this time.   She took only 3 photos, they turned out okay.
So I transferred them immediately to my phone, wanted to edit and upload on Insta before the foods come.
Who the fuck would predict this:
At the moment the photos (three only) were successfully transferred,   the foods came.
It was really fast, we were really shocked, and I was really hungry lolol
Eh crazy fast okay?   Once she left, 3 photos taken and transferred, suddenly the foods served.

Soooooooooo, this problem didn't happen to me as well :3   
Guess I was lucky.

#3 The environment
This isn't any problem, just wanna share my point of view.

The cafe is really spacious compared to other little cafes popping in the island.
A lot of parking lots too as it is near to the bay at Kapal Singh Road.
The cafes faces just right in front of the sea, see? Sea.  Thats why I learn swimming.
Hahhahahaha okay not related :/

OH!! Did I mention everybody in the cafe speaks in this adorable Taiwanese accent hahahaha!!
It is because Coffee Smith was originated in Taiwan so it means their main branch is in there. So yea,
Taiwan foods yo :D

Final exam in 2 days, still I'm up here slacking.
Signing off now, thanks for reading xx

Wearing my new favorite lipstick, Naughty Nude from Too Faced!
Too Faced oh Too Faced, always been my favorite brand.